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Queen Charlotte to Countess Howe 19 October 1791 My dear Lady Howe. I have just parted with, & sent You back a Treasure in Ldy. Mary, & when You have indulged Yourself in Her Company, You will not refuse to accept a Trifling present just arrived from abroad, it is not quite what it was to have been, for Ld. Howe to whom I beg my Compliments was to have had a share in it, that pleasure therefore must be postponed till the next Messenger arrives, when I hope to be more intelligible in my Directions. Ldy. Mary said at parting [[underline]] I hope Yr Majesty will give me a good Caracter [[/underline]] & I do it most readily & [[deletion]] with [[/deletion]] & Truely, but one thing must not be hid from You. that Mild and Civil little Mary, [[underline]] Beat the Kg. Her Sovereign, [[/underline]] at Backgammon every Night, and when I represented that this was not the behaviour of a loyal Subject, I was answered, She did the same to Lrd. Howe, & upon that wee Settled that what was Respectfull

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