Letter from Queen Charlotte to George III

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The Queen 24th: April 1778 to take this step I have not been able to learn as yet, but flatter myself to get some morsinstuctions about it in the course of this Evening. Prince of Wales of Frederick dined with me to Day [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] but he have charged me with their Duty to You at Eight a Clock when all their lession are finished they are to make up my Commerce party. [[unclear]]. H. 25 [[underlined]] th [[/underlined]] April 1798: Ramus did not return till ten a Clock last Night just as I was going to Supper. he finds the House at Portsmouth eytreamly [[unclear]] All Rooms furnish with very [[underline]] a Elegant Cotton Beads [[/underline]] this is his eypression, but no Bedding for the Servants Beds. The Kitchen is very indifferently stockd with Furniture and the greatest part must be taken from hence, Ramus also wishes to