Letter from Queen Charlotte to Princess Mary

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of Providence: Nothing can equal the Princes attention to Him, He has quite given up on Paquet & Lucas to Him, & none of His own Servants but Salisbury approach Him, for He has an Horror for all the others, I hope He will part with all, [[unclear]]\ Nous. He declared He never would return to St James again, [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] that can not surprize one. The Prince carried us all about the House, & could I have forgot [[deletion]] w [[/deletion]] the poor Invalide I might have enjoyed it as there are very Fine things to be seen but indeed my dear Mary I could not help saying to myself, [[underline]] Oh Vanity Vanity/ [[/underline]] comparing what I saw below to what I had just seen about, It was a great Contract God knows: _ The House is not near finished & if it goes on in the manner it has done it never will, for there is constant building up & pulling down. I am to Dress to Morrow at Miss Brudenels Apartment

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