Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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exceed Mr Percival's Expectations, various annual Sums on Pensions having been paid by His Majesty in Person, or by separate Drafts on the Privy Purse, which have not usually been specified in the Privy Purse Books, nor probably in the Statements given in by Mr. Braun. These was also Debts remaining unpaid which must absorb a Proposition of the funds actually in the hands of the Privy Purse; ad the Queen is persuaded that Mr Percival will see with Her the Propriety of directing that these various Claims should be ascertained and specified, and that they should be liquidated before any other Appropriation takes place of the Sum in hand, and that Provision should be made for such additional Payments as are Annual and Progressive. The Queen very much doubts whether, after discharging the Debts and other Claims and the current Payments, a Balance, in any degree sufficient, will remain, towards defraying the Expences of the Medical Attendance up to the Present Period, although the Sum assigned may hereafter prove equal to meet these Expences and the current Disbursements. The Arrangements proposed for the [[catchword]] Management [[/catchword]]