Letter from Queen Charlotte to the Prince Regent

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hasten his Recovery. tho I will not deny that I fear the fragment returns of the Gout in the Stomach & Head leave not much Hope that He will gain Strength sufficient to come over to England. Your Pun upon the little [[unclear]] we took some time to guess, but alas none could find it out which I verily believe is owing to the Cold as really we can hardly keep Ourselves Warm & Elyza bids me say, ,, [[underline]] that as You call the ,,Dwarf alias. Sr. T. Tyrwhyht the 21st/ of June ,, if You dub Him St. Thomas, you will make ,,him the Shortest Day.-- [[/underline]] I do not think that He would be pleased with the liberty we take with His Name if He could know it. I fear His Excellence will be afraid of Travelling in this Severe Weather Considering how Sensible He is of having every Comfort about Him, which abroad He will not find

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