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[[underline]] respect or affection [[/underline]] & I only wish the [[underline]] new Friends and People [[/underline]] that have come into this Family may prove [[unclear]] as [[underline]] true Friends [[/underline]], but I am afraid at this moment we have many [[underline]] WeatherCocks [[/underline]] in the House -- the drawing Room last Thursday was quite a Birthday I was very much tyred, when it was over it was very overcoming alltogether -- I am sure you will be sorry to hear that Poor Mrs Townend died the [[addition]] night before [[/addition]] last she was brought to Bed at 8 in the evening and before 12 died to the sorrow of all that [[addition]] knew [[/addition]] [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] any thing of her as she was the most Amicable & most charming young Woman possible -- You may suppose the distress the family is in -- Lady Cardigan

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