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wind and very fine morning very well my self upon [[unclear]] of being so nigh home 9 the wind most of the Way up the river and consequently was oblidg to tide it till we came to Woolwich 10 came home I thank god for it in good heath What Expences I have been inin Receiving [[addition]] Receving [[/addition]] my quarters salary at the Cofferer office Denber: .... 0: 1: 11 Land Tax .... 3: 7: 6 Sivel List .... 1: 3: 0 office .... [[underline]] 0: 7: 0 [[/underline]] [[underline]] £ £ 4:19:5 [[/underline]] Mr Dolignon at Mr Harper uphoulsder the Corner of Rood Lean Fanchhouse Street London