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Compas but what wood do for but this 9d. very bad weather still a man on board of the notingham fell over board I do not think thay was able to take him thay put thire boat out imeatiately to try I do not know weather thay succed for the sea ran very high as it dos still it is imposible to stand without Houlding by some thing to day We are put on short allowance of wate.. for the Captain says there is not 2 Day water on board. We have had no bread this Week past only sea busket this day Land was seen at top mast head of the Hazard Sloop she fier'd a gun for a signal of it 3d fine morning all pretty well I cannot see the Land that thay told me thay seen was flamborough head yorkshire blustering weather this morning 4th and the Wind still against us Keep pretty well but almost out of patience heaving so teadious a pasage this evening a gun fierd from