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29 being awake in the morning with the Dreadfull Sound of a Huring [[addition]] kan [[/addition]] indeed it was Dreadfull for we thought we shold be Lost for the oldest man on board hardly saw any such thing this Day we Lost the Mary We thought she was Lost most of the ships in the fleet had some of thire Riging or part of thire mast Lost, the water Came over our Deck and into the Stateroom I was very ill indeed and so was most on board they was oblidg to pump for thire Lives 30 fine Weather got up was all wishing one another joy for our escape for rely it was maravlo [[addition]] us [[/addition]] the Clergyman that was on board of us red prayers at half after ten till bed Weather 31 very bad [[unclear]] still sick and most of the people on board the wind quite against us 31 the wind still the same it is being out of Luck quite for it is the only point of the