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Madam. What will you say to a Royal Doctor? The Number of Physicians being already so Great that any addition to them must make the [[underline]] Corps [[/underline]] still more Tremendous, be that as it may: I will not torment You with my Prescription nor will I say [[underline]] No Cure, no Pay [[/underline]] . I offer myself without a Fee, & send a Medicine which has been of great Benefit to Ldy Powlett whose Cramps in the Stomach seem to be very Similar to Yours. & Why Should I then not indulge the hopes of its proving as Beneficial to You. it is with this encouragement I send it, attended with my best wishes for my Patients perfect reestablishment which will afford infinite Pleasure to My dear Dutchess Yr very affectionate Friend. Charlotte the 8th August. 1796. The quantity to be taken is a small Tea spoon Full before Dinner either in Wine or Water.

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