Translation of selected sections of Sallust

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(9) XXIV. But Quintus Curius was in this conspiracy he was born of an ancient family, covered up in flagitiousness & in ^ [[addition]] all [[/addition]] other crimes: whom the Censors removed out of the Senate There was not was not less vanity in this man than audaciousness; he could ^ [[addition]] not [[/addition]] be silent about what he had heard, nor could he hide his own wickedness; neither [[deletion]] could [[/deletion]] [[addition]] car'd [[/addition]] he [[deletion]] altogether do say nor do what he had [[/deletion]] [[addition]] in the least what he said, or did [[/addition]] [[deletion]] already promis'd. [[/deletion]] There was with him one Fulvia a noble woman, with whom he had for a long time criminal conversation [[deletion]] s [[/deletion]]; with whom when he had less favor, because he was not in a situation to give, her so much money, on a sudden he

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