"Caesar Lib III. Cap XIV."

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cut down agains the Enemy and raised it upon each side as a rampart and having with incredible quickness cleared a great deal of ground in a few days when ours had all ready got possession of their cattle and the rear of their baggage that they returned into the thicker parts of the wood such tempestuous weather [[deletion]] a [[/deletion]] arose that it became necessary of leaving off [[deletion]] the [[/deletion]] working and by the continuence of the storms the Soldiers could no longer remain ^ [[addition]] [[underline]] any longer [[/underline]] [[/addition]] under their tents. Therefore having laid waste their lands and burnt their houses and villages; Cæsar marched back his army and faced them in winter quarters among the Aulerci lexovii & other [[unclear]] which had been engaged in the late war. [[catchword]] [[foreign:Latin]] Finis Semper [[/foreign]] [[/catchword]]

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