"Caesar Lib III. Cap XIV."

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XXVII. The news of this battle being speed the greatest part of Aquitain submitted to Crassus and sent hostages of their own accord among whom were the Tarbelli [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] Je. A few remote nations trusting to the time of the year because the winter approached neglected to do this. XXVIII. About the same time Cæsar, though the season was allmost spent, yet as the Morini and Menapii remained in arms though all the rest of Gaul was quiet and had never sent Ambassadors to ^ [[addition]] him [[/addition]] about Peace thinking that war might soon be finished marched his army thither; these Nations resolved to carry on the war in a far different manner from the rest of the Gauls. For perceiving that most powerfull nations who had engaged in battle had been [[catchword]] Ceabe [[/catchword]]