Translation of a philosophical text in Latin on God

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whose worship he had not deserved, at [[unclear]] hazard of his life ^ [[addition]] quite [[/addition]] [[deletion]] Forsake them in this dreadfull danger and that [[/deletion]] he would be propitious to [[deletion]] them [[/deletion]] [[addition]] him [[/addition]]. And indeed his [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] piety. was safe from the enemies and he return'd safe to his friends and relations the Gauls either were astonish'd at the boldness of the Youth or moved by a sense of Religion [[deletion]] those people were [[/deletion]] ^ [[addition]] of which that [[unclear]] as [[/addition]] not negligent [[deletion]] of it [[/deletion]] 2. When Camillus proceeded to the destroying of the town of the Veii, he made a vow that if he should destroy it he would give the [[deletion]] the [[/deletion]] tenth part of the plunder to Apollo.