Translation of a text in Latin on learning and justice

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things were honest & just that were done by Kings. To which the King answered: indeed it is so among [[deletion]] barbarian [[/deletion]] [[addition]] the [[/addition]] Kings, ^ [[addition]] [[underline]] of uncivilized notions [[/underline]] [[/addition]] but we only take honesty for honesty, & justice for justice. When Trajan gave the sword to the officer of his guard which [[deletion]] he wore for the [[/deletion]] [[addition]] he wore [[unclear]] to take care of the Emperor; [[/addition]] the Emperor drew it out of the sca [[addition]] b [[/addition]] bard & waved it in the air. & said take this sword, use [[addition]] it [[/addition]] for me, if I govern justly: but if unjustly against me. Because it is less allowable that the [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] Governor of all [[deletion]] should to [[/deletion]] than to be faulty than [[deletion]] others [[/deletion]] those whom he governs. The AEthiopians chiefly cultivated piety & justice. There were no doors to their houses: ^ [[addition]] [[underline]] & although [[/underline]] [[/addition]] many things were thrown into the publick roads, ^ [[addition]] [[underline]] but [[/underline]] [[/addition]] nobody

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