Translation of a text in Latin on learning and justice

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who think that virtue is profit enough by itself. The becomingness of doing right does not move them [[deletion]] & [[unclear]] they [[/deletion]] [[addition]] [[underline]] if they have no reward for what [[/underline]] [[/addition]] ^ [[addition]] [[underline]] they do & they [[/underline]] [[/addition]] repent of having been honest gratis. Nothing is dear to them but what is [[underline]] profitable [[/underline]]. Although every [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] Virtue [[deletion]] draw [[/deletion]] [[addition]] attracts [[/addition]] us to it & as it were obliges us to love those [[deletion]] us to it & makes that we [[unclear]] them [[/deletion]] who seem to be possessed of it yet justice [[deletion]] we which if seem to be: yet justice [[/deletion]] & liberality have this effect most powerfully, [[deletion]] & [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] Just men are ^ [[addition]] [[underline]] [[unclear]] much [[/underline]] [[/addition]], that they are never suspected of any fraud or injury. Therefore we think that our safety, our children, & our fortunes, are rightly committed to them. Indeed Kings seem [[addition]] [[underline]] of good morals [[/underline]] [[/addition]] ^ [[addition]] [[underline]] to me to have been appointed by Societies [[/underline]] [[/addition]] formerly for the sake of enjoying justice. For when the poor multitude were oppressed, by those who make were richer, ^ [[addition]] [[underline]] they [[unclear]] in themselves to some one [[/underline]] [[/addition]] of whose justice & prudence they had a great opinion [[deletion]] who [[/deletion]] when he protected the [[deletion]] poor [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] [[addition]] weak, from injury [[/addition]]

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