Translation of a text in Latin on learning and justice

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When he came to be of consequence in the Republick, he would not endeavour to make powerfull friends but to gain an interest by the [[deletion]] an [[/deletion]] usefullness & uprightness of his conduct [[deletion]] He did not raise this [[/deletion]] spirits on ^ [[addition]] [[underline]] were not elated by [[/underline]] [[/addition]] prosperity, nor [[deletion]] drop [[/deletion]] ^ ^ ^ [[addition]] sunk by [[/addition]] adversity. He thought he ow'd [[deletion]] himself [[/deletion]] ^ ^ [[addition]] so much [[/addition]] to his country, [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] that he ought to be of use to it [[deletion]] his country [[/deletion]] without [[deletion]] the [[/deletion]] [[addition]] any [[/addition]] reward of money. or of honour. [[deletion]] Once Athen sometimes [[/deletion]] [[addition]] When once Aristides [[unclear]] [[/addition]] [[underline]] they pronounced [[/underline]] [[underline]] present [[/underline]] ^ in the theatre verses out of the tragedy of AEschylus about Amphiaraus of whom it was said, that he did not desire to seem just but to be so [[deletion]] it [[/deletion]] the audience turn'd their eyes upon Aristides as upon one to whom this praise belong'd & surnam'd him [[underline]] The Just [[/underline]]. Which surname as [[deletion]] s [[/deletion]] it [[deletion]] is [[/deletion]] was new & they greatest that could be given him. [[deletion]] [[unclear]] of all, [[/deletion]] he stird up such [[deletion]] hatred [[/deletion]] [[addition]] envy [[/addition]]

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