Translation of a text in Latin on learning and justice

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It is [[deletion]] said [[/deletion]] [[addition]] delivered down to us [[/addition]] that Plato the Philosopher was in very streight [[underline]] circumstances [[/underline]] [[deletion]] was also [[/deletion]] [[deletion]] and said yet [[unclear]] for [[/deletion]] [[addition]] & yet he [[unclear]] [[/addition]] ^ [[addition]] for [[/addition]] ten thousand drachmas [[deletion]] the [[/deletion]] three books [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] [[deletion]] & [[unclear]] drachmas [[/deletion]] of Philolaus the Pythagorean [[addition]] Some indeed said that [[/addition]] [[deletion]] For it is certainly said that [[/deletion]] Dion of Syracuse who was his friend gave him money. It is also deliver'd down to us that [[deletion]] the ^ [[addition]] & they [[/addition]] held of [[/deletion]] Aristotle ^ [[addition]] bought [[/addition]] [[deletion]] were left by [[/deletion]] [[addition]] a few books of [[/addition]] Speurppus the philosopher ^ [[addition]] for [[/addition]] three Attic talents. I Socrates received for one of his orations [[unclear]] talents. Octatia is said, when she heard Virgil recite [[addition]] those [[/addition]] verses ^ [[addition]] [[underline]] which were made [[/underline]] [[/addition]] [[deletion]] by his [[/deletion]] [[addition]] upon her [[/addition]] ^ [[unclear]]. [[underline]] Tu Marcellus [[/underline]] [[underline]] evis & c. [[/underline]] she swoon'd away & then coming again to herself commanded that ten sesterces should be given to virgil for each verse.

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