Copy letter from Henry Addington to William Pitt responding to 0860e and reporting that he had informed the members of the Government of the terms by which Pitt might consider a return to office but that they felt that some of those who might be included in such terms might not necessarily be for the best interests of the country.

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Downing Str. Ap.l 14th 1803 Copy My Dear Sir It is necessary notwithstanding the information contained in your last letter that I should acquaint you with the sentiments of His Majesty's confidential servants on the Subject of our conversation at Bromley Hill. I stated to Them the motives which could alone induce you to think of returning to office, & the outline of the only Plan upon which as it appeared to you, an arrangement could be advantageously made. They all expressed in the strongest terms the satisfaction which They should derive from the union of those who had concurr'd in opinion respecting the leading measures of Government; but they feel that what appears to them to be due to the Interest of the Public might be affected by the declared opinions of some of those who were proposed to be comprehended in such an arrangement, would not allow them to give their advice that steps should taken towards carrying it into effect. Sign'd (Henry Addington The Right Hon.ble W: Pitt

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