Letter from Queen Charlotte to Prince William

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You are now a [[unclear]]. You really set that Value upon Your Person that proceeds from judgement. You would have shown proper Submission to your Superiors in Office & Condescension to inferiors, but not familiarized Yourself with the latter. as a proof, I will put one question. You was not on board a Ship in Germany, nor no more a Midshipman, there were no Navy Lieutenants. & yet You own you kept [[deletion]] good [[/deletion]] [[addition]] bad [[/addition]] Company! You was sent there in order to prepare for appearing in the World, You disliked it & pined for being at Sea from the moment You arrived there, nay more You also told [[addition]] me [[/addition]] Hannover was not a fit place for that! & yet it succeded with Frederick! Upon Your Conscience tell me [[deletion]] now [[/deletion]] are You not even now & were then Your own Ennemy. Actions make a mans Character known, not words, & by what I have said I am sorry to see that Your inclination & not your situation is the real cause of Your imprudence & will be Your Eternal dissappointments in Life. One Comfort there is left which I recommend strongly to

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