Letter from Queen Charlotte to Prince William, regarding his feelings for her niece

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of any degree of Generosity & delicacy in Your Character You should try [[addition]] not only [[/addition]] to conquer this unallowable passion but avoid every thing in [[addition]] your behaviour towards Her.x [[/addition]] and [[addition]] every [[/addition]] opportunity which can [[deletion]] give [[/deletion]] give Suspicion to the World on that Subject. [[/underline]] My Brother as well as General Budé both assure me that You have very readily come into every proposal they have made to You on that Subject which I am extreamly glad to hear, as I have reason to flatter myself by that means, that You will see the propriety Necessity and Advantage of following my [[underline]] advice [[/underline]] to the utmost, and it is upon that Hope and my Confidence in Your Honour. that You will [[deletion]] conquer [[/deletion]] put an end to this affair as speedily as possible, that I shall [[underline]] not now [[/underline]] mention

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