"Latin Translations Book"

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who govern others to this end, that those [[deletion]] who are at the head of others, [[unclear]] [[addition]] [[deletion]] all [[/deletion]] [[/addition]] those [[/deletion]] they ^ [[addition]] who [[/addition]] [[deletion]] are for [[/deletion]] govern'd may be as happy as possible [[deletion]] who would be under their command will be the most happy. [[/deletion]] For ^ [[addition]] it is [[/addition]] not only [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] [[deletion]] his who [[unclear]] power [[unclear]] the [[/deletion]] ^ ^ ^ [[addition]] the duty of him who governs [[/addition]] citizens, but also of him who is master of slaves, or even of [[deletion]] also who [[unclear]] slaves [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] brute beasts to promote the ease & happiness [[addition]] [[underline]] of all under their power or command [[/underline]] [[/addition]] Therefore [[deletion]] a [[unclear]] along [[/deletion]] [[addition]] a wise & good [[/addition]] citizen, & [[deletion]] worthy [[/deletion]] ^ [[addition]] & who himself is worthy [[/addition]] of the highest dignity will give himself who [[unclear]] to the publick & [[deletion]] deliver ^ [[addition]] [[deletion]] up [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] [[/addition]] to himself the whole [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] will take care of it in such [[deletion]] [[unclear]] good so he will be safe, that he [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] a manner as to consult the good of all. He will not run after his riches & power: & [[deletion]] will stick [[addition]] [[deletion]] altogether [[/deletion]] [[/addition]] to justice [[/deletion]], [[addition]] & will stick to close justice, [[/addition]] & honesty, [[deletion]] as death [[/deletion]] [[addition]] as rather [[/addition]] to die than forsake them. [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] No vice is worse than avarice, especially in those who ^ [[addition]] also [[/addition]] govern [[unclear]] of the publick. For to make [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] [[addition]] a traffick of [[/addition]] the publick, is not only shamefull, but also wicked & criminal. [[deletion]] But [[/deletion]] Nothing

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