Translation of selected sections of Sallust

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(5) [[addition]] to undertake [[/addition]] their greatest & most [[deletion]] beautiful [[/deletion]] [[addition]] desirable, [[/addition]] act; ^ [[addition]] and [[/addition]] because I have found ^ [[addition]] from you [[/addition]] separately that you witch the same as I do. For to wich the same & to be against the same that is the strongest bond of friendship. [[deletion]] But [[/deletion]] But [[deletion]] I being agitated by [[/deletion]] [[addition]] what I have [[unclear]] over [[/addition]] [[addition]] in [[/addition]] my mind, [[deletion]] which [[/deletion]] I have told you all separate. [[addition]] moreover [[/addition]] My mind [[deletion]] was [[/deletion]] [[addition]] is [[/addition]] every day more & more agitated, when I concider, [[deletion]] how I [[/deletion]] [[addition]] what [[/addition]] our condition of life will be, unless we assert our own liberty. For after the Republick [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] [[addition]] fell [[/addition]] into the hands of a few, [[deletion]] [[unclear]] always these [[/deletion]] [[addition]] powerful men [[/addition]] [[deletion]] chiefs [[/deletion]] [[addition]] kings and Princes have been In butam, [[/addition]] [[deletion]] make the [[/deletion]] people, & the mations pay [[addition]] them [[/addition]] thees{ all the rest [[deletion]] are [[/deletion]] altho ^ [[addition]] [[unclear]] [[/addition]] stout, good, [[addition]] whether [[/addition]] noble [[deletion]] & [[/deletion]] [[addition]] or [[/addition]] ignoble have been look'd upon as the zabble, without favour or Authority.

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