Translation of a text in Latin on learning and justice

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= [[deletion]] selves. [[/deletion]] [[addition]] self [[/addition]] than for another, what [[deletion]] is usefull [[/deletion]] ^ [[addition]] belongs to the [[/addition]] of [[deletion]] or [[/deletion]] [[addition]] necessaries [[/addition]] life; but [[deletion]] that [[/deletion]] nature does not [[deletion]] suffer [[/deletion]] [[addition]] allow [[/addition]] that we should encrease our wealth & riches by the spoils of others. Chrysippus said this prettily, as he said many others ^ [[addition]] this [[/addition]] He who runs a race, ought to strive & endeavour as much as [[deletion]] they [[/deletion]] ^ [[addition]] he [[/addition]] can, to conquer: but he ought by no means ^ [[addition]] [[underline]] to supplant [[/underline]] [[/addition]] [[deletion]] to push from [[/deletion]], or to throw [[deletion]] him [[/deletion]] down, him [[deletion]] against [[/deletion]] [[addition]] with [[/addition]] whom he runs. So ^ [[addition]] [[underline]] likewise [[/underline]] [[/addition]] it is not unjust [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] [[addition]] in life for everyone [[/addition]] to seek for himself what is ireful & [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[unclear]] is against [[/deletion]] necessary: but it is against the law [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] of justice, to [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] [[deletion]] any [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] ^ [[addition]] take it from [[/addition]] another. Perhaps somebody may say: [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] [[addition]] should [[/addition]] = [[deletion]] for a wise man if he [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] ^ [[addition]] not therefore a wise man if he is [[/addition]] [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] almost famish'd take food from a man. who is [[deletion]] usefull [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] [[addition]] useless [[/addition]] & good for nothing. Not at all. For no [[deletion]] t [[/deletion]] : [[deletion]] his own [[/deletion]] [[addition]] man's [[/addition]] life should be dearer to him than that affection of mind which directs him not to [[deletion]] [[unclear]] body should violate any one for his own [[unclear]] And ought [[/deletion]] [[addition]] violence to anyone [[/addition]] and everyone for his own advantage. [[deletion]] than [[/deletion]] ^ rather to bear his own inconveniences than to detract from the conveniences [[deletion]] take away com [[/deletion]] of other men.

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