Translation of a text in Latin on learning and justice

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Alcibiades also had a great regard for Homer. Therefore when he came by chance into [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] a School of boys; He [[deletion]] begg'd ^ [[/deletion]] [[addition]] [[underline]] ask'd for a [[/underline]] [[/addition]] Homer [[addition]] [[deletion]] that he would [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] [[/addition]] [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] But when the School Master answer'd that he had no Homer; he gave him a great slap on the face & went away, saying, that he was an ignorant fellow & would make his boys so too. [[deletion]] If he was [[unclear]] the Homer [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] [[deletion]] that is what is call'd [[/deletion]] [[deletion]] what ^^^ [[unclear]] the [[unclear]] of Homer, [[/deletion]] came to Alexandria, & recited his writings against the Illiad & Odyssy to Ptolemy [[deletion]] King of [[/deletion]] Philadelphius; the King observing that the prince of poets was attacked absent & unheared, bearing dead: & that he whose writings had been admir'd by all nations, were sensured by

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