"Book of Latin Words and Phrases"

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Latin [[underline]] Words and Phrases [[/underline]] Infestus, a, um_ Troublesome vexatious Re^[[addition]] s [[/addition]] pergo, si, ĕre_ To sprinkle [[note]] M [[/note]] Indoles, is_ A disposition [[note]] C2d [[/note]] Immineo, ēre_ To hang over Annuere votis_ To favor our prayers Maerens, tis_ Grieving. [[note]] 10 [[/note]] A[[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] [[addition]] c [[/addition]] ervus, i_ A heap [[note]] M [[/note]] Homunculus, i_ A little sorry fellow [[note]] 12 [[/note]] Aliquoties_ Sometimes [[image]] [[note]] F [[/note]] Egritudo, inis_ Sickness Sorrow anxiety [[note]] F [[/note]] Insania, ae_ Madness [[note]] D [[/note]] Intucor, itus, eri_ To look upon [[note]] C 1st [[/note]] Flagro, avi, are_ To be on fire [[note]] M [[/note]] Capillus, i_ The hair of the head [[deletion]] Complodo, [[/deletion]] [[note]] C3d [[/note]] Complodo, i ĕre_ To clap the hands together as in a [[unclear]]