"Book of Latin Words and Phrases"

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Latin [[underline]] Words and Phrases [[/underline]] Sciscitor, atus, ari_ To enquire Cruentus, a, um_ Bloody Expromo, ssi, ĕre_ To draw out discover Torreo, ui, ēre_ To roast Prosillo, ui, ire_ To jump [[note]] 10 [[/note]] Praesto_ At hand, ready Thuribulum, i_ A Censer Varix, is_ A swell'd vein Alligo, avi, are_ To bind Cubo, avi, are_ To lie down Dogma, is_ A tenet, doctrine [[image]] [[note]] M [[/note]] Pugil, is_ A boxer [[note]] [[unclear]] [[/note]] Caestus, us_ Thong of leather loaded with lead used in boxing Profisiocor; us, i_ To proceed