"Book of Latin Words and Phrases"

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Latin [[underline]] Words and Phrases [[/underline]] Decus, oris_ Honour, Glory Irritamentum, i_ An incentive, incitement, provocation Flectere, iter_ To bend one's way or course. Immodicus, a um_ Immoderate [[note]] 20 [[/note]] Ennervo, avi, are_ To [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] [[addition]] e [[/addition]] nervate weaken Adimo, emi, ĕre_ To take away. Popina, ae_ A Tavern, [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] Ale House. Littus, oris_ A shore Perstrepo, ui, ĕre_ To resound Blandimentum, i_ Blandishment Illicio, exi, ĕre_ To intice [[note]] 27 [[/note]] Sagino, avi, are_ To fatten [[image]]