"Book of Latin Words and Phrases"

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Latin [[underline]] Words and Phrases [[/underline]] Sperno evi, ĕre_ To despise Conscindo, scidi, ĕre_ To rend Obtestor, atus, ari_ To conjure Renito, isus, iti_ {To resist {strive against Hiatus, ûs_ An opening [[note]] 30 [[/note]] Catervatina_ by heaps Grassor, atus, ari _ To proceed spread Placo, avi, are_ To appease Expilo, avi, are_ To plunder Vitam suspendio} {To hang finire} {one's self. Exequiae, arum_ A burial Alveus fluminis_ {The channel of {river Siccus, a ,um_ Dry Fretus, a, um_ The lying upon Tergum,i_ A Back [[note]] 40 [[/note]] Co^[[addition]] n [[/addition]] veho, xi, ēre_ To carry Concire iram_ To raise^ [[addition]] or stir up [[/addition]] anger