Copy letter from William Pitt to Henry Addington, replying to 0860f, emphasising that any possible return to political office on his part would depend initially on the King's decision.

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Bromley Hill Apl. 15th 1803 [[underline]] Copy [[/underline]] My Dear Sir On receiving your letter yesterday I abstain'd from doing more than acknowledging it, because I felt unwilling to make any observations on a Subject which I considered (as I still do) as brought to a decided issue. But on reflecting on some passages in that Letter I am not sure whether they do not give reason to think that you have in some respects understood what has passed between us in a different light from that in which I viewed it & which I hoped it had been distinctly plain by the whole tenor of the conversation. I refer to those expressions which seem to imply that you considered yourself as authorised to state to your colleagues no specific & positive propositions as made by me & as containing the outline of a Plan of arrangement which it was for Them to consider whether They ought to recommend to His Majesty to carry into effect. I certainly did not consider myself as having made to you any proposition on the Subject. Our interview originated as I conceive in a strong wish expressed by yourself that I might be induced to return to my former situation in the King's service. On that point I stated that the only ground on which I could think myself called upon to give any positive answer to such a proposition, or to say anything which could

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