Copy letter from Henry Addington to William Pitt, replying to points made in 0860g and emphasising that while he had no objection to the action Pitt might propose towards himself, as he had no wish for an official position, it was not felt it would be acceptable to change [the members of] the existing Government, as the intention was to strengthen it 'by the union of those who had concurr'd in opinion respecting the leading measures'.

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intended Plan of arrangement, They could not consistently wish what appears to them to be due to the Interest of the Public & to their own Characters, give their advice that steps should be taken towards carrying it into affect. You repeat what you distinctly stated at Bromley Hill "that nothing coud ,, in any instance be so adverse to your sense of Duty ,, & propriety as to press for a moment any point that ,, might not be consistent with His Majesty's Opinion ,, & Inclination,, But the reservation with which this declaration was accompanied appear'd to the King's Servants to lead to possible consequences to say the least, which they did not think it consistent with their Duty to have any share incurring the hazard of producing. I will only add that I am unwilling to advert particularly to the words "in case they consent which you introduce towards the concluding part of your Letter, but I am sure you will recollect the opinion which you fairly surpris'd to me on this point, though you certainly did not state whether or not that opinion was founded upon any communication with the Persons in question. I have thought it right to say thus much in consequence of your letter, and I have really found it difficult to avoid troubling more at lengh I.... Sign'd/ Henry Addington The Right Honb. W. Pitt.

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