Extracts from a 'Journal of Travels' in the American interior 1766-1767 by Capt. Jonathan Carver.

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their Forts, and brought the Cannon which were small Brass pieces to Michillimackinac where they are now, not far from Allanippigon, is a small River, that just before it falls into the Lake has a fall of six hundred feet, the small Islands many of them near the shore in Lake Superior, are covered with Copper Ore, that looks like Copperas, a few Indians inhabit round the Lakes supposed to be the remains of the Ancient Algonkins that have been mostly destroyed in their Wars with the Iroquois of Canada; Lake Superior has near forty Rivers that fall into it of some considerable bigness; St. Mary's River from Lake Superior is about forty five miles long to Lake Huron, it grows much wider near the latter from whence it is about forty five miles from Michillimackinac. ----