Printed prospectus for a Grand State Lottery.

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Fifteen Hundred Tickets As Extra Benefits. Grand State Lottery BEGINS 12th APRIL NEXT. Scheme. 4 of £ 20,000 are £80,000 2 .... 10,000 .... 20,000 2 .... 5,000 .... 10,000 6 .... 1,000 .... 6,000 10 .... 500 .... 5,000 20 .... 100 .... 2,000 44 .... 50 .... 2,200 100 .... 25 .... 2,500 4,820 .... 15 .... 72,300 20,000 Tickets. £200,000 DAYS OF DRAWING. Wednesday.. April 12 Friday.... April 21 Thursday.... April 27 Saturday, .... April 29 In consequence of the Gift of 1,500 Whole Tickets, there are only 18,500 for Sale. The Contractors have Permission of the Lords of the Treasury to make a FREE GIFT of 1,500 Whole Tickets, in Addition to the Prizes in the above Scheme: FIRST DAY, A FREE GIFT OF 1000 Whole Tickets, For the First-drawn Prize above £15, THE NUMBERS OF WHICH ARE AS FOLLOWS, VIZ. --- 3, 3,100....100 Tickets. 4,,600....100 ditto 5,,100....100 ditto 6,,600....100 ditto 7,,100....100 ditto 8,,600....100 ditto 9,,100....100 ditto 10,,600....100 ditto 11,,100....100 ditto 12,,600....100 ditto Total....1,000 Tickets. SECOND DAY, ANOTHER FREE GIFT OF 500 Whole Tickets, For the First-drawn Prize above £15, THE NUMBERS OF WHICH ARE AS FOLLOWS, VIZ. -- 13,,100....100 Tickets. 14,,600....100 ditto 15,,100....100 ditto 16,,600....100 ditto 17,,100....100 ditto Total....500 Tickets. The above 1,500 Tickets are deposited in the Bank of England, and will be delivered to the Holders of the fortunate Tickets at the End of the Lottery. Shares are entitled to their Proportion of the above Benefits. Tickets and Shares are Selling at Every Licensed Lottery Office, Where Applications must be immediately made for any favourite Numbers.