Letter from John Belson to General Jacob de Budé reporting further on the denial of the expected legacy, which has left him completely ruined and his family in a desperate financial situation.

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willing to give you, any security you will name, how can I, after what I have said, name the time of repayment. I shall in case of [[underline]] failure [[/underline]], be accused of [[underline]] again [[/underline]], [[underline]] forfeiting my word [[/underline]]. But I am willing, to do all a man can do? I lost 10s. a day at Newcastle, because I had not the [[underline]] means [[/underline]] of going to the appointment; and of course, all future hopes are gone for Ever. In a word, I am compleatly ruined and life only in my health, and finances a torment, to save all that belong to me, I cou'd not raise £3s. After what I have stated what can I further add, but