Letter from John Belson to General Jacob de Budé reporting further on the denial of the expected legacy, which has left him completely ruined and his family in a desperate financial situation.

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Sir Disappointed as to this £1000 legacy. I have no resource under the sun at [[underline]] present [[/underline]]. Mr Romily's opinion is, It cannot be demanded [[underline]] at all events [[/underline]] till the time Mrs B.s daughter would have been [[underline]] of age [[/underline]] had she [[underline]] lived [[/underline]]. I am decided and am resind, Tho' five or six opinions were in my favor, when I borrowed the money: I am so ill I am not able to exist hardly: all Mrs Belson has to live on is £6 - 5d a month, for herself, a grown up Daughter (whose allowance it is) and my four little ones. I can never return to Them, unless something turns up. This is my [[underline]] literal situation [[/underline]] I can