Letter from John Belson to Messrs. Coutts describing his financial circumstances and difficulties, and explaining that he cannot currently repay his loan [to General de Budé].

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to live on, there are six of us, and a servant maid, no [[underline]] curtailment, [[/underline]] can be made, in our [[underline]] expences,, [[/underline]] I had 82 £ is [[underline]] allowed, [[/underline]] of course, [[underline]] insecure,, [[/underline]] we must [[underline]] have starved [[/underline]] but for donation's from the [[underline]] first people [[/underline]] of late, in this Kingdom,, [[underline]] persons well known to the the Genl,, and yourselve's,, [[/underline]] one, of the royal Brother's, who [[underline]] visited [[/underline]] Mrs. Belson, and [[underline]] friendly sisters, [[/underline]] in her first husband's time [[underline]] abroad [[/underline]] = has [[underline]] often saved [[/underline]] us once [[underline]] through your hand's,, [[/underline]] if,, you could bring our [[underline]] situation, to your exact view,, [[/underline]] I am sure, you would send us a triffle, not add, to our sorrows, many of Mrs,, B. kindred,, are your freinds, and [[underline]] confidants,, [[/underline]] [[addition]] s [[/addition]] I was [[unclear]] at how, to the late Mrs,, Staple's The once affluent Brother, who rais'd,, brought up, under her, from a Boy: we have Lords." Bishops," Barts: and M,, P's in our family numberless,, [[underline]] who have done much,, [[/underline]] may have large family's of their own,, so no blame to them, our situation, in life I need not tell you, an Officer's half pay, is securd, [[underline]] cannot, [[/underline]] be sold, or [[underline]] disposed [[/underline]] of,, if [[underline]] either,, [[/underline]] no [[underline]] security, [[/underline]] as himself, can secure it,, spite of all it is a gift, for past services, to keep here, from [[unclear]],, I assure say.