Letter from W.M. Spencer to General Jacob de Budé replying to one received, expressing concern that his conduct towards 'Mrs. K.' [?; possibly Mrs Kirkpatrick: see GEO/ADD/15/832] displeases de Budé but assuring him that he wishes to marry her, and explaining that, despite a long separation from his wife, there have recently arisen some issues with regard to the disposal of some property which related to his wife's settlement.

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Intention to have gone to Guernsey when at Weymouth, [[addition]] but [[/addition]] I received a Letter from my Solicitor - informing me that Mrs S. had made some objections in respect to the Disposal of a Property which related to her Settlement (altho' a Separation has a long time taken place between us) which deprived me of the means of going abroad at that period - and I thought the best plan I could pursue was to return to this place to arrange matters as well as I cou'd - it was my opinion that such a Line of Conduct was more candid towards Mrs K than keeping her in the dark, respecting my private Concerns - and I can most solemnly assure you, Sir, that I never had the most distant Idea of any Connection taking place between Mrs K. and myself but such as wou'd prove both permanent and safe - which I believe she is convinced of - from the assurances I have made to her and the proof I