Letter from W.M. Spencer to General Jacob de Budé replying to one received, expressing concern that his conduct towards 'Mrs. K.' [?; possibly Mrs Kirkpatrick: see GEO/ADD/15/832] displeases de Budé but assuring him that he wishes to marry her, and explaining that, despite a long separation from his wife, there have recently arisen some issues with regard to the disposal of some property which related to his wife's settlement.

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No. 13 Chapel Street Grosvenor Square Nov:r 21:st 1808 My dear Sir I have the Honor to receive your Letter, of the 9th Inst. and regret that I have been prevented answering it sooner but the death of a Brother in Law obliged me to leave Salisbury - I am concerned to find by your Letter that my Conduct towards Mrs K should create your [[underline]] Displeasure [[/underline]] and can assure you that nothing can wound my feelings more than the Idea of my having done any one thing Intentionally to the Prejudice of a Person I feel so sincerely attached to - to create such a Suspicion in your mind - and when you are acquainted with the peculiar Situation I am placed in - I trust you will [[underline]] not [[/underline]] think that I have acted dishonorably - however appearances may be against me in your opinion - It was my