Extracts from letters from Rear-Adm. Sir Samuel Hood to Adm. Sir George B. Rodney [enclosure of 0617], requesting that the British fleet's position might be changed if St Eustatius is unlikely to be attacked, enclosing a letter [not on file] reporting on the approach of an enemy squadron and a likely merchant convoy and suggesting consequent action, on the capability of enemy ships to move in and out of certain ports, on sickness (from scurvy) in British ships and on ship movements in the area generally.

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Ships will be crippled in their lower Masts, If they are, it will be a very serious Misfortune. Having several French Merchants and Passengers in the Squadron, and hearing that one of the Cork Convoy was carried into St. Piers; I took the liberty of sending a Flag ashore at Fort Royal, to propose an Exchange of Prisoners, as our Sick in the Squadron are very numerous indeed: The Answer I got from the Marquis D.' Bouillie was, That he could not consent to any Exchange of " Prisoners, ’till he heard from his Court; " though he lamented very much the Misfortunes which the chance of War threw upon Individuals. I send you herewith a French Gazette, which corresponds with information I have received from other Quarters. The Princessa is so Sickly, and her Men dying so fast, I was obliged to order her to Gros Islet on the 21st to put the worst of her Scorbutic Men onshore, and after " taking on board Twenty Seven Men " Supernumeraries in the St. Vincente, to return to me immediately. I thank God the Barfleur continues pretty healthy, I have got Lemons and Limes for my Poor fellows from every [[catchword]] place [[/catchword]]