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[[underline]] Kew 8th July 1780 [[/underline]] My dear Lady Charlotte Finch deserves a great many thanks for the many pretty letters, good news of the dear Children, and pleasant accounts she has so frequenly sent from her Sea habitation, but on the other side fairly and honestly what can i deserve for not answering them regularly? Not [[underline]] prayse! [[/underline]] that is clear! and yet no blame neither, for our moving from London to Kew & taking Airings by way of Novelty and Visiting Windsor for one Morning makes time pass away - exactly the same as the more reasonable employments would do, Oh could lost time be recovered what a Blessing i should think it, yet at the same time i Adore the Wise Creator for directing it otherways as i am sure that their knowledge of recovering such a pretious thing as lost time would make us even be less attentive than we are now, for does Man ever wish to be happy in the manner Providence

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