Letter to Rear-Adm. Sir Samuel Hood (author unknown) praising the actions of the British fleet on 29 April against a larger enemy fleet, and reporting the opinion of the Governor of St Vincents that 'Admiral Hood led his Fleet like an Angel' [enclosure of 0626].

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Carenage June 9th. 1781. My Dear Sir, It is with great pleasure I take this opportunity of offering my most sincere Congratulations on the very many handsome remarks and expressions, I daily hear poured forth from all Parties, respecting the Spirited Behaviour, and well Conducted Manaeuvres of the British Fleet under your Command on the 29th: of April, when Engaged with so Superior a Force of the Enemies; The first Lieutenant of the Santa Monica who is just returned, on his Parole from St: Vincents, says, that Monsieur Du Pleessi, now Governor of that Island, and who came out with the Comte De Grasse, expresses himself in the Highest [[catchword]] and [[/catchword]]