Copy of a further letter from Lt-Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Sir George Rodney enclosing some intelligence [not on file] regarding the movements of the frigate 'Concorde' and an account of the state of Virginia [?].

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and 10,000 more are expected with Le Grasse, (But should any thing like such a Force accompany him, I am persuaded General Vaughan will spare us all he possibly can) As to the Militia he knows as well as I do, that Numbers will be not wanting for so favorite an Attempt, He also knows that the Militia of the Northern States (from Jersey to New Hampshire) are by no means to be despised, whatever those to the Southward may be. Let me therefore hope My Dear Sir George, that if Le Grasse comes, or even detaches in Force (which Authentick Intelligence from other Quarters confirms he will) You will come here if possible in person, as we have all confidence in You. Should Le Grasse come here, he will be [[catchword]] most [[/catchword]]