Copy of a further letter from Lt-Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Sir George Rodney enclosing some intelligence [not on file] regarding the movements of the frigate 'Concorde' and an account of the state of Virginia [?].

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Lordships Operations in Chesapeak must now cease from the Inclemency of the Season, I have call’d back a Part of his Troops, and have recommended it to him to occupy defensive Stations in York & James River untill the Season for Operation in that Climate should return. From every Circumstance I am convinced that the Rebels and their Allies mean to make one great Effort to finish this business by an Attempt against this Post. And there is little doubt, that for such and Object under the circumstances they suppose it to be, they can raise a very considerable Number of Men, Washington’s Army alone is already nearly 8000 and daily increasing; that of the French 5000 [[catchword]] and [[/catchword]]

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