Copy of intelligence from Rhode Island, reporting the likely departure from the Island of enemy forces and their possible removal to the Delaware or Virginia and suggesting that the British fleet should consequently quickly blockade the harbour mouth to prevent the movement of supplies, etc..

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at Newport which it is certainly your interest to do-- It would mortify the Monsieurs, render them contemptible in the Eyes of their Allies-- Everything would be prevented from going out or in. All Supplies from France or Connecticut totally cut off, which would greatly embarrass them, and either reduce them to the alternative of coming out and fighting our Fleet, or remaining silent Spectators of our Gallant Navy bidding them defiance, and perhaps obliging them to continue in this spot, untill Your strength will admit of your sending them from whence they came in a state of [[unclear]]. In respect to the danger of a Gale of Wind it is a mere Bugbear for supposing a Gale of Wind at [[catchword]] South [[/catchword]]