Copy of intelligence from Rhode Island, reporting the likely departure from the Island of enemy forces and their possible removal to the Delaware or Virginia and suggesting that the British fleet should consequently quickly blockade the harbour mouth to prevent the movement of supplies, etc..

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(Copy) Mr. Swan brought a letter from our Friend in Rhode Island writen 31st. May 1781 The 5th after a consultation at Hartford with G W have come to a Resolution of abandoning the Island. Their Baggage is all bringing back from Providence, and together with their heavy Cannon which was out on the Island, is hurting on board Ship-- I imagine their destination is for the Delaware or if possible, for some part of Virginia. All this might be prevented if the Admiral would bring his Fleet to Anchor off the Harbors Mouth, in the same berth the Count D'Estaing occupied-- This would keep the op. Army [[catchword]] at [[/catchword]]