Copy of intelligence from Rhode Island reporting the arrival and departure from Newport of an enemy frigate which picked up 10 pilots and is presumably bound for the West Indies, and the current number of French troops on the Island.

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Copy of Intelligence received from a friend at Rhode Island dated June 23d. 1781. On the 19th Inst a Frigate arrived at Newport from Boston in the Evening, and after taking Ten Pilots on board Sailed the next Morning, and it is imagined they are bound to the West Indies to Pilot a fleet from thence before the Hurricane Months. The French Troops that were at Providence when we gave you the last Intelligence, remained there the 21st. Inst: Two hundred of the Troops which were left at Newport, have since joined them, and 200, of those which lately arrived at Boston came to Newport by land the 19th— there is now on the Island 400 french Troops and 500 Militia. In the fleet of 12 Transports which arrived at Boston as before mentioned, only 600 Recruits for the Army arrived, and some Recruits [[catchword]] for [[/catchword]]