Memorandum by Rear-Adm. Sir Samuel Hood reporting an action between the British and the enemy fleets around Lynnhaven Bay, and describing, in his opinion, the errors made by the British fleet.

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for the Line was hawled down at 25 minutes after five, the Rear division bore up, above half a mile Leeward of the Center Division, but the french ship bearing up also, it did not near them, and at twenty five minutes after six, the signal for the Line at half a cable being again hoisted, and the signal for Battle hawled down, R: A: Sir S. Hood called to the monarch, /his Leader/ to keep her wind as he dared not separate his division just at dark the London not bearing up at all. N.B. This forenoon Capt. Everet came on board to Barfleur, with a message from R: A: drake, WR: a Sir S. Hood, desiring his opinion. Whether he should renew the action, Sir Samuel's answer was-- "I dare say ,, Mr. Graves will do what is right-- I can [[underline]] send [[/underline]] no ,, opinion, but if he /Mr. Graves/ wishes to see me, ,, I will wait upon him with great pleasure