Memorandum by Rear-Adm. Sir Samuel Hood reporting an action between the British and the enemy fleets around Lynnhaven Bay, and describing, in his opinion, the errors made by the British fleet.

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by having herfore & main topsail yard shot away which left her second/ the Intrepid/ exposed to the fire of two ships of superior force, which the noble & spirited behaviour of Capt. Molloy, obliged to turn their sterns to him; that the signal was not thrown out for the van ships to make sail to have enabled the center division to have pushed on to their support, instead of engaging at such an improper distance/ the London being under her Topsails only with the main topsail to the mast, the whole time she was firing, and the signal for close action, as well as the signal for the Line flying/ that the second ship a stern of the London received but trifling damage. and the third astern of the London, received no damage at all, which most clearly proves, how much the center [[catchword]] division [[/catchword]]

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