Letter from Rear-Adm. Sir Samuel Hood to General Jacob de Budé reporting that Lord Cornwallis had been forced to capitulate to superior French and American forces and his opinion that this could have been avoided, and announcing that he hoped to return as soon as possible to the West Indies 'for the protection of our Royal masters possessions'.

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Barfleur off the Cheaseapeak Oct. 29th 1781 My Dear General I am grieved to the heart to acquaint you of the sad hard fate of Lord Cornwallis and his gallant army, His Lordship was forced to capitulate to the combined force of France & America on the 18th. A most meloncholly business and the more so, to my mind, as I shall ever think his Lordship ought to have been succoured or brought off, previous to the return of the French fleet to the Cheaseapeak, and which might have been easily effected - and these was a chance of his being achieved, had exertions in their fullest extent been used, in fulfilling [[catchword]] the [[/catchword]]

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