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I was sorry to hear that the Dutchess Dowager of Beaufort had taken so bad a Friendship for St Antony. He is of all the Saints the one I should least wish to be acquainted with & as she is in all Her Conduct so proper why would she make so bad a choice? I shall be glad to hear that she is better. The dayly accounts from France are quite dreadfull, their behaviour Barbarous & Cruel to the greatest degree. Monsieur de Fenlon Minister for the Navy who had Escaped was unfortunately discovered, they intended to Hang Him, but the Cord breaking they beheaded Him & His Brother in Law Monsieur Bertier Intendant de Paris likewise. There are Apartments preparing for the Queen at the Convent of [[underline]] Val de Grace [[/underline]] for Safety as some say, but others say that the Tiers Etat insist upon Her going there, but that She was first to go to Paris with the Dauphin in order to return Public thanks at Notre Dame for the Revolution that has taken Place: Oh poor Unfortunate

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